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I have Malwarebytes pro installed and running on my desktop and on my laptop. The laptop software updates automatically whenever I connect to the internet,however, the software installed on the desktop will not and I have to update it manually everyday. Both computers are windows XP and IE8 and I have DSL internet connection on both. How can I have the software on my desktop to update automaticlly?

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Hello frankestein and welcome to the Malwarebytes forums!

You can set the desktop to update automatically by going to the Protection tab and clicking on the Scheduler button. This will take you to the Scheduler settings where you can add a scheduled update.

To do this, click the Add button and create a update to your liking. I would recommend settings the update to at least once daily. You can find detailed instructions on setting up scheduled updates and scans by looking at Section O in our FAQ. You can access the FAQ by clicking here.

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