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Ran my weekly Malwarebytes scan today. At the end of it, it showed a trojan, rogue.antivirus, c:\documents and settings\all users\Desktop\antivirus.lnk. I quarantined, and authorized a reboot and when my system restarted the icon for my antivirus program was gone from the desktop. My antivirus program is avast which has been on my system for about 3 yrs. Fortunately all I lost was the icon because the folder for avast is in Malwarebytes' exclusion list.

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Ran my weekly Malwarebytes scan today. At the end of it, it showed a trojan, rogue.antivirus, c:\documents and settings\all users\Desktop\antivirus.lnk. I quarantined, and authorized a reboot and when my system restarted the icon for my antivirus program was gone from the desktop. My antivirus program is avast which has been on my system for about 3 yrs. Fortunately all I lost was the icon because the folder for avast is in Malwarebytes' exclusion list.

Attached is saved log as requested

mbam-log-2011-12-11 (19-13-58).zip

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Thanks for the response. I just discovered that Malwarebytes was reacting to a change I made. A couple weeks ago I edited the desktop icon, removing avast! and just naming it antivirus. I just changed the name back and rescanned with no issue. My bad, Malwarebytes.

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