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Everything posted by MrGibbage

  1. My daughter is a teen and has an attention span of about 11 pico seconds. She can see the popup to update MWB, but she just ignores it. Eventually the time will come when she needs me to help her with something and I see the notification and ask how long that has been there. You know where this is going. So, is there a way for me to see the version status of all of my devices? Or which PCs have updates ready to install?
  2. Oh, and one more update. The page that is open, while it is blank, I just noticed that it does have a source. <script>function setHeaders(xhr, config) { if (config.cdn == "ak") { xhr.setRequestHeader("Pragma", "akamai-x-cache-on, akamai-x-cache-remote-on, akamai-x-check-cacheable,"+ " akamai-x-get-cache-key,akamai-x-get-extracted-values, akamai-x-get-nonces,"+ " akamai-x-get-ssl-client-session-id, akamai-x-get-true-cache-key,akamai-x-serial-no"); } else { xhr.setRequestHeader("X-Fb-Debug",'True'); } if (!config.clear_cache) { xhr.setRequestHeader('Cache-Control','no-cache') } else { xhr.setRequestHeader('If-Modified-Since', new Date(0).toUTCString()); }}function getCurrentMilliseconds() { d = new Date(); return d.getTime();}function run_tests(config) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); if (config.clear_cache) { config.url += '?r='+Math.random(); } // the request is sync to have better measures xhr.open("GET", config.url, false); setHeaders(xhr, config); var start = getCurrentMilliseconds(); xhr.send(); var end = getCurrentMilliseconds(); var result = {}; result['loading_time'] = end - start; result['platform'] = 'www'; result['cdn'] = config.cdn; result['url'] = config.url; result['headers'] = xhr.getAllResponseHeaders(); result['status'] = xhr.status; return result;}// hardcode the return urlvar result_endpoint = "https://www.facebook.com/hellocdn/results";var akamai_pattern = /^(fb|fbcdn-).*-a\.akamaihd.net$/;var fbcdn_pattern = /.*\.fbcdn\.net$/;// only authorize loading this script from our cdnsfunction isValidDomain() { return akamai_pattern.test(document.domain) || fbcdn_pattern.test(document.domain);}//sends the result back by loading an image to avoid XSS protectionsfunction postResults(results) { var result = JSON.stringify({results: results}); var return_image = new Image(); return_image.src = result_endpoint+"?data="+encodeURIComponent(result); }if (window.addEventListener && isValidDomain()) { window.addEventListener("message", function(e) { var msgObj = JSON.parse(e.data); config = msgObj.config; results = config.map(run_tests); postResults(results); });};</script>
  3. I've been doing some research, and I am wondering if it has anything to do with bukkit.org, which is a minecraft game server site. When I search for "akamaihd site:bukkit.org", there are a bunch of hits. Could their server be the cause of this? I did have some tabs open from that domain overnight. By the way, I didn't mention in the first post that I have paid for Malwarebytes.
  4. Lately I have been seeing blank tabs in google chrome, always to the following url https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/hellocdn.html?v=1 I notice the the favicon is the same as facebook. Does this have something to do with facebook, or is it malware? Like I said, the page is always blank, and I can't figure out when it appears. It is there many mornings when I get up. It isn't tied to any internet searches or browser toolbars. Or maybe it's just another tab that is already open and trying to open a popup or something? I do leave a lot of tabs open. It's so random that I can't figure it out.
  5. Suggestion for improvement: Have you considered adding Growl support? Growl is a popular notification system for managing system notifications, such as "Malwarebytes signature database updated" or "Malware found during Daily Scan". The nice thing about growl is it can even send notifications to other computers running growl. Anyway, just an idea... growlforwindows.com Skip
  6. OK. I wonder if that would be something that might want to be implemented sometime. Although, this got me thinking. If I have malwarebytes running all the time, then are system scans even necessary? Nothing should get past the real-time blocker, right? And if nothing gets past the real-time blocker, then there would be nothing to scan for later. And if something did get past the real-time blocker, that would be because malwarebytes didn't recognize the signature. In which case it wouldn't recognize it during a system scan either, right? I guess there's always the possibility that an eventual malwarebytes system update might bring in new signatures and then it might find something already resident on a system.
  7. Awesome. I changed the setting and I'll let you know how it goes in the morning after it runs. Will I see anything interesting if the scan finds something, or is it fully silent?
  8. I have my malwarebytes set to do a quick scan each morning. But when it is finished it is popping up a notification that the scan was completed with no malware was found and it opens (puts in the foreground) the malwarebytes UI. How do I configure it so that it only pops up if something is found?
  9. I don't know what I was thinking... I should have bought both mine and my wife's today. I see there is a volume discount for even two licenses. I do understand that malwarebytes is not antivirus software, and I do have antivirus software running on all of my computers (except the linux box).
  10. I bought Malwarebytes and installed it. Seems to be working great. What "exceptions" in Endpoint are you talking about?
  11. That's very helpful. Thank you. I have also added the MVPS HOSTS file. I think this three-way approach should work quite nicely.
  12. Today my wife got stuck with some malware. We do not currently malwarebytes--I found you after the fact. Anyway, I was able to figure out what was going on and was able to fix it myself (it was the Windows Scan/Disk Defrag/Memory Scan/System Diagnostic scamware). So, I was wondering if the real-time protection offered by the full version of malwarebytes would have prevented her from getting this in the first place had she installed it. How does it help prevent these problems? What would happen if she went to a site that was trying to install this? What is the user presented with? She is actually pretty smart about these types of scams. We've talked about them before, and I have showed her what they look like when they are trying to install themselves. She said she recognized it right away and pressed "No", but it seems to have still installed. So, how does malwarebytes protect someone from things like this? Also, she does have Symantec endpoint protection which I don't think does much for protecting against malware. How well does malwarebytes play with other virus scanners? Thanks in advance. Skip
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