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  1. Yes. This keeps happening in my two PC's aswell. Windows XP Pro SP3. It updates fine for a couple of days, then this.
  2. Follow up question: the traces of malware hidden in the restore points, are they dangerous while in there? I mean, I understand that if one would use them to restore something, they would be, let's say, awaken... But if not, are they a threat?
  3. Firefox, thank you, quick question before I do that: Should I run the clean utility without uninstalling MBAM with the basic default uninstaller? I've seen on some other threads that they recommend to do this first, and only then running the mbam-clean.
  4. Thank you so much Ron, that did it! BUT: When I tried to update within Malwarebytes, it happened again! So I was forced to revert once again to the manual rules you provided. Should I wait until the automatic update rules file changes, perhaps the current one has some issues with my particular setup? Weird since I have two PC's, and it's only happening in one, and also, it's happening in the healthiest one... Also, strangest thing: right clicking to analize with Malwarebytes does not work anymore... Thanks for your help and patience, I'm new to MBAM, it worked fine for a couple of days until this started to happen.
  5. Please, is it that the "rules.ref" file got corrupted somehow? Or is it malware (strange)? If so, maybe you could provide us with a link to download the file and replace it manually? Because Malwarebytes won't start at all now! BTW: you should provide an option to restore the previous rules definitions in case of an update going wrong because of file corruption and/or malware action. Don't you think?
  6. For de record, today I got the same problem exactly! Two days ago I updated fine, today I updated Malwarebytes and now it won't run: "The current database is not supported". Could be a bug in the update today? (Windows XP Pro SP3)
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