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Posts posted by MichaelT

  1. I've been using avast! since it came out(I had the LCARS skin). It has had its share of problems in the past, and that I have personally experienced with it. Over all, it is one of the best I have used and have learned my lessons and have gone back to it time and time again. One BIG thing I learned from avast! and have carried it through to my other security software, virus/malware/security engine updates are fine on a daily basis, BUT the PROGRAM updates are best handled with an uninstall then install the new program. Avast! has caused me grief in the past with the program updates and the best and most stable install is the reinstall from scratch not patch and update. I do this for all my security software program (anti-malware/anti-virus/firewall) updates.

  2. I just ran into this problem, and I posted after doing a search for the issue. I was just board and reading through here and found this. Maybe you should do this as a sticky at the start of this forum.

    Anyways, it's been like 4 months, and still no fix for the issue?!

  3. Its been a few yeas since I've visited here, and being lucky as I am I'm still virus and malware free. It's good surfing habits and proper layers of protection.

    So, I was going to update my signature, but the system wont let me do this, Accounts Settings>Edit Profile>You Are Not Allowed To Edit This Profile .... Really?! .... Anyone experience this?


  4. Even  though this thread is a few years old, I have the same question, and it has not been answered in this thread.

    I did have MBAM / avast! / Online Armor Firewall in my netbook (Gateway LT21 - W7 Starter 32Bit), but the combination of the 3 just slowed the unit down to a crawl.

    I got rid of avast!, OA Firewall and MBAM, I installed MSE and used Windows Firewall. The netbook I really only use for word possessing, not much more (it really can't handle much more).

    So, I have had some issues with MSE getting stuck and freezing up during the Deep Scan, so I proceeded to do a manual registry clean. I started with avast, and to my surprise there were leftovers, even after I did the uninstall with the Avast Clean from safe mode!

    The same goes with MBAM, I used the uninstaller tool, and now I find leftovers. There are 2 I have deleted so far, and there is 1 folder, and 1 sub folder, at the bottom of the   Trolltech entry in the Registry. So the Google search provided nothing relevant to why there is MBAM entry at the bottom, there was lots and its all over the place....


    So, is Trolltech part of MBAM and is it safe for me to delete it?, OR, do I just delete the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware folder? Remember, MSE is locking up and freezing, causing me to reboot the system on the netbook.


  5. Hello MichaelT,


    In response from our MBAM Mobile development team, it’s possible there is another app with an ad library installed, not being detected by Lookout. Unfortunately, we don’t have full Adware detection functionality yet, mostly on a case by case basis.


    We will look into this app, in the meantime you can install an ad-on inspecting app like “Addons Detector” which will look at all apps this push notification behavior.


    'Addons Detector' didn't find ad.leadboltads.net, or ChargeBar or anything for that fact.

    Even after I deleted ChargeBar, it couldn't find where the file/folder that the browser popopen was located, or a differnt app that the advertising may have been connected to.

    The only app that detected the presence of ChargeBar and ad.leadboltads.net, was Lookout Security & Antivirus.

    Never mind though, I loaded MROM in and I'm doing a clean install of all apps.


    Even if I had pirated/cracked apps in my phone,  that were infected with ad.leadboltads.net Malware.

    The reciepiant of the revineu from the page clicks is Lead Bolt Ads, and so, they are the ones distributing Malware in pirated/cracked apps.

    Am I right!

  6. Hello Michael,


    I have contacted our developers in regards to this issue. I will follow up with feedback as it becomes available.

    I really don't want to flash a new ROM, although if I did, I'd go back to the stock ROM.

    I hope something new can be learned here, a new definition or detection can be found in all this.

    Understanding how the money flows in the malware/virus industry(?), I would bet that Leadboltads owns Asgard Casino Apps as a distributor for their malware, as well as hosting lots of other apps as well.

    Here's a link to a post I commented at XDA (post #7): http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=48462170#post48462170

  7. I initially installed MBAM Android because I'm infected with a known Stock Browser Pop Open Advertising app BS.

    'ad.leadboltads.net' Pops open my stock browser on restart/boot.
    MBAM didn't catch this, Lookout Security & Antivirus caught this, they don't have a forum to help me.
    This originates from a benign "FREE" app, that updates later (3 months), after you download it and install it.

    The app is ChargeBar (free): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tombarrasso.android.batterybar

    ChargeBar states on the Google Play that the app is advertising driven, and, the advertising can be removed by deleting the app,,,,this part is a lie.

    I have deleted the app but the the browser pop open advertising is persistent.

    Lookout Security & Antivirus can not find the new location of the malware.

    By the very definition, this is malware, and, ChargeBar (Asgard Casino Apps) is involved in the distribution of malware.

    They are using Google to distribute this malware, abet, that app is benign in it origin.

    Sneaky aren`t they.........


    #1) I would like to get this crap off my phone.

    #2) I need to bring this to Google's attention, and have the developer banned from the Play store.


    Any help here or is it back to XDA.......


  8. Hi Michael,


    This issue occurs because of the way that Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Mobile performs automated scans. Since we automatically scan any SD cards connected to the phone, the application attempts a scan when the SD card is mounted during the phone's boot-up. This happens at the same time as our automatic boot scan, hence why you are seeing this message. We are aware of the issue and are going to be fixing it in a future release, so for now you can safely ignore the messages as it should not impact your performance or security at this time. Please let me know if you have any other questions and I will be happy to assist you.


    OK, good to know that the bug was reported.


    It does not happen on my Motorola Atrix 4G MB860.


    My Moto is modded with:

    • NottachTrix v2.3.0 ROM
    • faux123 1.3GHz OCd Kernel
    • CWM Recovery
    • N_01_77 33P Radio
    • ROOT/Superuser
    • SIM Unlocked


  9. I just updated, I made sure that MBAM is set up exactly the same in BOTH the ADMIN and USER accounts.

    Your patches still didn't fix the problem your released it for.

    MBAM still is blocking IP addreess's (avast! update servers/others) as maliousious, even if they aren't.

    This is how I have it set up.


    This setup will block IP address's, even if MBAM is unchecked to NOT start with the protection module.

    IF I uncheck the 'ENABLE' the result is an unsightly B+W icon in the tray:


    You fixed/patched nothing..............

  10. In Win7 Services, MBAMService Propeties is set a an 'Automatic(delayed Start)'.

    In Wn7 Services, avast! is set to 'Automatic' start with Win7.

    So, what I was wondering is, should they be BOTH set Automatic Start,


    Should the start/delay order be reversed, and have MBAM start 1st, and avast! be on the delay start?


  11. Oh no 5.0 hasn't been released. :)

    #1) SAS PRO 5.0 has NOT been released as of yet, there is NO x64 RC version available.

    #2) You have been using SAS PRO x64 on your VISTA machine????

    #3) Google this: Superantispyware Pro x64

    #4) Read the problems that the PRE RC has been having.

    #5) I don't believe any thing you say!

  12. Yep. Spybot's immunization feature is pretty good which is what I do.:)

    If it's a subscription I'd suggest ditching it once it expires. MBAM Pro should be plenty alongside a Firewall and Antivirus. :)

    So IYO, no need for SAS pro x64 when it becomes available?

  13. Hi.

    TeaTimer is pretty limited compared to MBAM and tends to conflict with other protection. I'd say you don't need it.:)

    Run SB without the 'Teatimer', and keep MBAM on?

    I have read in SB forums that people are running SB without 'Teatimer' and running [sAS or Spyware Doctor(free versions do not have RealTime protections)] along side of it.

    It seems odd to have 2 anti spyware apps running, other than SB gives RealTime protection, and SAS or SD provides the scanning.

    TOOO much farting around, needed a simpler solution, that's what brought me to MBAM.

    So, if I'm running MBAM Pro, there is no need for me to have SuperAntiSpyware Pro (x64 by July?) for my PC?

    Or does SAS provide other protection than what MBAM provides.

  14. I'm still waiting on the availability of MBAM baseball caps and hoodies. I'll pay top dollar, I don't care what it costs :blink:.

    ANY embroidery shop in a mall can scan the logo and reproduce it on whatever you like.

    Cut/Copy/Screen Snip, adjust the size, print, off to the mall you go.

    Hit the 'EASY' button on this one!!!!

  15. MichaelT,

    As Samuel stated above:

    We highly recommend upgrading to the PRO version of MBAM in order to achieve this, not to mention the incredible realtime protection.

    Ya,,,sorry but NO,,,in school right now and money is in short supply, cant afford too much especially with car insurance coming up soon. Just will have to figure something out for the ondemand scanner, pain in the a$$ as it is,,,,I need to dummy up her pc so it doesn't get FU by her kid,,,,just dont have all the time in the world for this crap right now.................

    Thanks for your time.....

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