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  1. Still no Help in fixing this Problem? if it is being looked into please say so i am really looking forward to getting this working again. if this topic needs to be moved or there is another topic on this issue please post that. thx
  2. k now after this last install (used Mbam clean then went into safe mode and deactived all Anti-Viruses/adware and firewalls) i got mbamswissarmy.sys to show up in the directory C:\Windows\SysWoW64\drivers\ but when i try to start it up and update it i get only 2 of the Errors MBAM_ERROR_EXPANDING_VARIABLES (0, 9) & MBAM_ERROR_MISSING_FILE (3,0, mbamswissarmy.sys) and in that order i get both of these in safe mode with Everything off and in Normal mode and tried both Run as Admin also. i have included the DDS and Attach txt DDS.txt Attach.txt
  3. I am having the Same issue Windows 7 x64 but i do have mbam.sys in C:\windows\system32\drivers but no mbamswissarmy.sys on my pc that would be the third Error message i get as i get the other mentioned above
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