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Christopher Coulter

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Everything posted by Christopher Coulter

  1. NOD32 being my fav scanner, doesn't really work on Netbooks, plugs things upwards all the time, non-starter across the board, imho. Norton Internet Security Netbook Edition, is insane, quite literally. Microsoft Security + MWB on my Atoms doesn't seem to fare well, 40 to 80% spikes quite often, mbam.exe seems to favor 65%, msmpeng.exe likes 50%...exclude DWM for a tad of relief. I go raw, and scan often. Only solution for now...
  2. Any plans for an optimized Malwarebytes, that works on all low-powers? Forgive me, if topic already been answered, but Kaspersky Security for Ultra Portables, the answer always given, isn't much of an answer, and I am not feeling any of the supposed optimized goodness there, per 80% CPU bursts all the time. Kaspersky is still too heavy, and wholly Atom/Ion-focused, when a good deal of other netbook-like sporting other CPUs, Athlon L110, Celeron 723 and VIA Nano U225 and Tegraified or other ARM-based. Kaspersky works on other CPUs, but still have yet to find a 'real-time' solution for my Gateway AMD LT 3103u. Granted, dual-core Atoms and IONs on way, but the Tegra vs. Atom fights will be forthcoming too. And Kaspersky's Celeron and VIA performance decidedly worse than Atoms, at least in my experience, really pretty much worthless in terms of CPU use. Just odd, in that such a big market, and nothing meeting demand, in any sort of overall way, that makes optimized something more than a marketing slogan. Scanning afterwards, works, but then not what I wanted, per se.
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