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Everything posted by Kithra

  1. Sorry I don't know how to do that and I'm afraid I don't have time at the moment. But thanks anyway.
  2. Many thanks for the info. I'll look into it.
  3. Hi, this is a desktop Lenovo Thinkstation.
  4. Thanks for the reply and the explanation. I think I'll stop worrying about it and just stick with Windows Defender as I wouldn't know where to start with allowing certain access. The computer always blocks any sites it considers suspicious. As for checking my computer for Malwayrebytes fast start up I don't have that enabled.
  5. I have just joined and have a question about Firewalls. I use Windows 10 64-bit and have Malwarebytes Premium 4.6.12 and Microsoft Defender Firewall currently turned on. Using the GRC LeakTest option it tells me that my computer has slipped past my firewall's outbound "protection." Apart from that my computer, according to GRC, runs in Stealth Mode. I now wonder if I should turn off Defender and install another Firewall. But I’ve no idea which ones might work with Malwarebytes. Preferably I’d prefer a free firewall, or at least one that’s not too expensive, as I’m a Senior Citizen and the pennies matter! Please could anyone give me some suggestions? Many thanks, and I’ll check back tomorrow to see if there are any replies. Thank you. Liz R
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