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  1. Thank you so much for all your help! My computer seems to be running fine and there have been no subsequent attacks. As a final question to follow up about my Discord account: is there a particular risk to leaving the account name the same if I've totally reset the account's device permissions, changed the passwords, and decoupled all my associated accounts with other services? I'm assuming that the hacker got a snapshot of my passwords et al as they were at the time, but it doesn't seem like they've retained access.
  2. Here's the latest fixlog. :) Fixlog.txt
  3. Okay, thank you -- I have already changed my passwords from another device and enabled two-factor, which should have reset access from all devices after he webhooked me. I haven't had any more crazy purchases on Discord, but I'll ask for an account rename to be safe. I accidentally just ran the fix without the new list, rerunning it now.
  4. To clarify, this is the account name for my Windows computer, Microsoft, Discord?
  5. Here we go, I got all the way through to the restart now. Fixlog_2.txt Fixlog_2.txt
  6. It looks like the process terminated because it took more than 60 minutes? At least I'm seeing that in the log.Fixlog.txt
  7. Just an update that it’s been “fix in progress” for about an hour. The progress bar is moving, though, so it’s working.
  8. And Fixlog.txthere's the fresh fixlog:
  9. They're attached here: FRST.txtAddition.txt I received a Discord message from the hacker trying to extort me for more money, though I'm not sure that there's actually anything left that he can do.
  10. The system seems to be running reasonably smoothly upon a fresh restart. Nothing terribly out of the ordinary. I did get login attempts to some of my passwords, so it looks like the spree of changing passwords and enabling 2FA was well-warranted, however. Is it safe to log back into Discord et al on my main computer?
  11. I've followed all these instructions. I've noticed my computer doing things like opening some windows and closing others, but I suspect this may be Microsoft Safety Scanner, which was shut down by the Fixlog program and which I just set to work again. It does seem to be noticing a ton of infected files, however: I plan on letting it finish its scan, then I'm going to restart with all those updates pending.
  12. Here we go, reran as Administrator Fixlog.txt
  13. The FixList is still working, but here are my security check logs: SecurityCheck.txt
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