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  1. Thank you! The popups disappeared after I removed the browsers history, but I guess this is more like getting rid of the symptom, than solving the problem. I followed your recommendation. That is, I have not turned off the computer yet. It is late, so I better shut down and continue to morrow. mbst-grab-results.zip
  2. Hello! I just got an annoying popup (Antivirus warning via Microsoft Edge) down at the right corner, it has a old Windows logo and say it is a Webadviser and sometimes that Windows Defender have found 5 viruses. I have scanned with Windows and Malewarebytes, but no virus is found. 1 PUP is detected, but no threats or PUMs. I don`t know what that is, but it doesn't sound very scary. I guess it might be though if I am lured into serious hackers. The popup is marked anob.co.in as a file or web address. They tell that my system is infected and tell me to take the virus away by hitting a button. I have not had an attack for some time, so it might be relevant what I did before this happened. The unusual things was a remark about Putin at Facebook. I wrote about what I believe to be his responsibility for the disaster in Tjornobyl. Short after I got positive feedback on a friend request on FB, I can`t remember having made.
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