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  1. It says it isn't recognizing ClearWD as a specified path and it's not recognizing the .bat file either. When I copy pasted that info into the ClearWD file I had to manually rename it to ClearWDHistory, not sure if I did what I was supposed to or not.
  2. The Malwarebytes scan didn't detect anything but I've decided to send the log from some hours earlier today. These are also the pictures from Windows Security of the trojans my PC detected. (In the last picture, the most recent two threats were the same virus and targeted the same file so I only took one screenshot) Addition.txt FRST.txt AdwCleaner-C00-.txt Malwarebytes Scan Report 2024-02-29 170256.txt
  3. Okay, I'm new to this forum so I don't know why my picture with the detected virus didn't show up, let me know where I can change that, sorry.
  4. I've made the classic mistake of downloading a cracked version of something online and since then I've had trojans enter my computer but they still seem to affect my device. I've had my Reddit account locked 3 times because someone tried to use my account to spam join a bunch of subreddits, despite changing my password each time (wrote it down physically and nowhere else) and having 2FA on. I get a ghost notif in my Google email's active devices that someone is having a session active on Youtube on TV despite not having my TV turned on and also having a safe pw and 2FA on. I've had someone attempt to hack my Facebook but Firefox thankfully blocked it. These are just a few examples and I'm typing this here to hopefully prevent anything worse. Almost all of them have been blocked/quarantined except the one in the pic below. I've tried following the advice in this thread (https://forums.malwarebytes.com/topic/307520-help-needed-to-remove-trojanwin32wacatacbml) because I've also had wacatac enter my device multiple times in short succession but it says it got quarantined or blocked, though it might still be a threat for all I know. I stopped at the part where OP is told about a custom link since that won't apply to my device. Now I don't know what to do. I would appreciate any help I can get.
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