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  1. Hello MalwareBytes community, Chris here... programmer. I'm new into MalwareBytes, and I need to identify which mechanisms are triggering these alerts: I'm using a computer... a network actually, which is partially facing internet. Firewalls and strong end point monitoring + cloud backup syncronization tools... Windows 11 Pro, Windows 10... some Debian. All the LAN is managed with whitelist and strong encryption. ________________________________________________________________________________ These particular alerts are comming from a new, fresh nvme, Windows 11 Home unactivated. Could you please adivice how to see the packet? or gather more information in these events? Any additional detection / security capabilities? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Could you recommend any tool or MalwareBytes function in order to expand the details of these detection patterns? What exactly is happening? We used Wireshark to monitor all traffic over that network, and we filtered the detected IPs, some kind on SYN packet from Italy was observed with some anomalies, but no further exploration was conducted. Any help would be appreciated!! Kind regards; Chris
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