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Everything posted by Gool

  1. If I run a full scan selecting everything except for "Scan for rootkits" it takes about 30 minutes. When I also selected "Scan for rootkits" it was taking 15 hours when I had to interrupt the scan because I had to turn my pc off. Why is "Scan for rootkits" exponentially increasing scan time?
  2. so is it a false positive?
  3. here's the log: "threats": [ { "ddsSigFileVersion": "", "linkedTraces": [ ], "mainTrace": { "ImpersonationSid": "", "archiveMember": "", "archiveMemberMD5": "", "cleanAction": "quarantine", "cleanContext": { }, "cleanResult": "notStarted", "cleanResultErrorCode": 0, "cleanTime": "", "generatedByPostCleanupAction": false, "hubbleRequestErrorCode": 0, "id": "f31967ae-f5ce-11ee-9d33-708bcd0f3022", "igExitCode": "", "isPEFile": true, "isPEFileValid": true, "isWhitelistedByAdsInfo": false, "linkType": "none", "objectMD5": "0D276A70C35107B6C04D90C7460EA409", "objectPath": "C:\\USERS\\<username>\\DOWNLOADS\\X86_64-13.2.0-RELEASE-WIN32-SEH-UCRT-RT_V11-REV0\\MINGW64\\BIN\\GCOV.EXE", "objectSha256": "D9055E70155279563056306E15D9E1EC93C50C8F85A78052C5E630A6355E41D1", "objectSize": 2045440, "objectType": "file", "resolvedPath": "C:\\Users\\<username>\\Downloads\\x86_64-13.2.0-release-win32-seh-ucrt-rt_v11-rev0\\mingw64\\bin\\gcov.exe", "rtpEventType": "other", "suggestedAction": { "archiveDir": false, "chromeExtensionOther": false, "chromeExtensionPreferences": false, "chromeExtensionSecurePreferences": false, "chromeExtensionSyncData": false, "chromeUrlOther": false, "chromeUrlSecurePreferences": false, "chromeUrlSyncData": false, "chromeUrlWebData": false, "disableHubbleWhiteListing": true, "disableSignatureWhiteListing": true, "fileDelete": true, "fileReplace": false, "fileTxtReplace": false, "folderDelete": false, "isChromeObject": false, "isDDS": false, "isDoppleganging": false, "isExternalDetection": false, "isPUP": false, "isShuriken": false, "isWMIEventConsumer": false, "killProcess": true, "minimalWhiteListing": false, "moduleUnload": false, "noLinking": false, "physicalSectorReplace": false, "priorityHigh": false, "priorityNormal": false, "priorityUrgent": false, "processUnload": false, "regKeyDelete": false, "regValueDelete": false, "regValueReplace": false, "shortcutReplace": false, "silentMode": false, "singleDelete": false, "testingMode": false, "treatAsRootkit": false, "useDDA": false, "verifyResolvedPath": true, "whitelistCheckError": false }, "winVerifyTrustResult": { "expectedError": false, "lastErrorCode": 0, "wvtCalled": false, "wvtResult": 0 } }, "ruleID": 1184067, "ruleString": "", "rulesVersion": "1.0.83195", "srcEngineComponent": "ame", "srcEngineThreatNames": [ ], "threatID": 20, "threatName": "Trojan.Downloader" } ] gcov.zip
  4. I downloaded minGW from the github linked in https://www.mingw-w64.org/downloads/#mingw-builds After a scan the file mingw64\bin\gcov.exe gets reported as Trojan.Downloader. Is it a false positive?
  5. So since I choose to not install adware, is it safe to install cheat engine?
  6. What is a software bundler?
  7. here it is CheatEngine75.zip
  8. Hello! I download Cheat Engine from official site and it gets reported as Malware It's not the first time I installed after a MalwareBytes check, and I never saw Generic.Malware.AI.DDS and Malware.AI.317114055 That's from the log file: "srcEngineThreatNames": [ "Generic.Malware.AI.DDS", "Malware.AI.317114055" ], "threatID": 1000002, "threatName": "Generic.Malware.AI.DDS" What does that mean?
  9. Thanks. Just for information. How can you tell it's foisting snake oil?
  10. www.emeraldautocenter.com its homepage looks clear on virustotal. I see an emerald autocenter on google maps street view, with this site
  11. Hi, I accidentally clicked on an ads link on youtube and I went on the https{colon}//www.emeraldautocenter{dot}com/shy/kjo/kjo{dot}php for a few seconds. I scanned the given link on virustotal and I got a security vendor detecting "Phishing". Is there a way to scan that link with malwarebytes?
  12. The first time, when Malwarebytes stopped it, it was running automatically after tizen studio installation. The second time, when Malwarebytes did nothing, I ran it manually double-clicking the exe file. So is Malwarebytes not liking cmd to run the package manager?
  13. I installed to my new pc Tizen Studio, the official IDE for developing Samsung Smart Tv apps. After installation completion, I ran its package manager, to install proper (official) SDK, and MalwareBytes interrupted its startup, because of a Exploit.PayloadProcessBlock. Then after I ran the same package manager it started fully ok, and I was able to install proper SDK. I also scanned the package manager exe, and MalwareBytes said there is no threats. Can anybody help me understand what happened with the Exploit detenction? Is it a false positive? Why I let me run the package manager next? That's the log of the exploit detection. Thanks in advance. 5C7CFED11798F140190EE7098D93E1479ACF469F6C97832E62B8FD2D3EA5EC65 { "applicationVersion": "", "chromeSyncResetQueryRequested": false, "chromeSyncResetQueryResult": false, "clientID": "", "clientType": "other", "componentsUpdatePackageVersion": "1.0.2222", "coreDllFileVersion": "0.0.0", "cpu": "x64", "dbSDKUpdatePackageVersion": "1.0.79191", "detectionDateTime": "2024-01-03T02:30:06Z", "fileSystem": "NTFS", "id": "02301282-a9e0-11ee-91f7-708bcd0f3022", "isUserAdmin": true, "licenseState": "trial", "linkagePhaseComplete": false, "loggedOnUserName": "System", "machineID": "", "os": "Windows 10 (Build 19045.3803)", "schemaVersion": 20, "sourceDetails": { "type": "ae" }, "threats": [ { "ddsSigFileVersion": "", "linkedTraces": [ ], "mainTrace": { "ImpersonationSid": "", "archiveMember": "", "archiveMemberMD5": "", "cleanAction": "block", "cleanResult": "successful", "cleanResultErrorCode": 0, "cleanTime": "2024-01-03T02:30:06Z", "exploitData": { "appDisplayName": "Java", "blockedFileName": "C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\cmd.exe \\c C:\\tizen-studio\\package-manager\\package-manager.exe", "documentFileName": "", "layerText": "Application Behavior Protection", "protectionTechnique": "Exploit payload process blocked", "url": "" }, "generatedByPostCleanupAction": false, "hubbleRequestErrorCode": 0, "id": "02360426-a9e0-11ee-a82f-708bcd0f3022", "igExitCode": "", "isPEFile": false, "isPEFileValid": false, "isWhitelistedByAdsInfo": false, "linkType": "none", "objectMD5": "", "objectPath": "", "objectSha256": "", "objectSize": -1, "objectType": "exploit", "resolvedPath": "" }, "ruleID": 392684, "ruleString": "", "rulesVersion": "0.0.0", "srcEngineComponent": "unknown", "srcEngineThreatNames": [ ], "threatID": 701, "threatName": "Exploit.PayloadProcessBlock" } ], "threatsDetected": 1 }
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