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  1. turned off PC for the night after running 2 successive KVRT runs, each showing all files scanned and no threats found. started PC normally this AM and re-ran a Malwarebytes 4.63 scan, this time no hang on checking file system and again 2 successive runs of it, completed normally with 0 threats detected. I'm going to go with this serendipitous result set and request closure of this ticket as solved. Thank you.
  2. scan complete no threats report_2023.10.02_17.29.46.klr.txt
  3. if by profiles you mean user profiles, seems like I have 2 user acct and an adm acct It is a home computer and I have read your entire principles post, I only run defender, (which I can disable temporarily), no smart screen, no discord no cracked, hacked, pirated sw, and no discord
  4. scan runs up to a point where it stops item counter but timer runs forever, never completes scan. I have turned off scanning archives to see if that helped, also tried running scan after restarting in safe mode w networking - neither made a difference dnld'd and ran your support tool, zip attached mbst-grab-results.zip
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