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  1. My daily scans have not reported anything but history has an entry for this since June 21st. Logs says detected but also ignored. There is nothing in the allow list. And the file does not appear in explorer with hidden files shown, so I was guessing it comes and goes. I ran a manual scan and surprise surprise, Malwarebytes found it and let me quarantine it. Ran again a few minutes later and did not find. Not sure if that means it comes and goes or ??? Questions: Why would Malwarebytes detect but decide to ignore the threat in every automatic daily scan starting June 21st? Why could I not see the file with windows explorer but MalwarBytes sees it less than a minute later in a manual scan and allowed me to quarantine it? Now that its quarantined, where is it and can I examine it in any way, I mean maybe I could restore it but it seems to be invisible when not quarantined? Anything else I can/should do now that it is quarantined?
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