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  1. Thank You Jovan. How long it takes before the block is removed and the new database gets synced with the installed MBAM clients?
  2. Hello, On 28th of May 2023 I've received a Google Notification regarding a subdomain dropbox[dot]mauriziofonte[dot]it that held an installation of the FileRun (filerun[dot]com) communityu edition (free), that had been compromised. This subdomain, including the main domain, entered the Google Safebrowsing blacklist and website was no longer accessible via the built-in browser website protection. Steps done to fix the security issue: I've completely removed the subdomain, completely wiped the chrooted user that was delegated to the subdomain HTTPD service, run a ClamAV scan over all the server, and installed Cloudflare on the main domain. On 1st of June 2023 the issue was reported as solved Google-side. After that, I've seen many antivirus software blocking the main domain hxxp://www[dot]mauriziofonte[dot]it and blocking the IP address The website visits dropped from a consistent 120/week to a low of 10/week on all June 2023. I'm attaching all valuable screenshots to prove that the website is indeed clean. Can you please unblock hxxp://www?[dot]mauriziofonte[dot]it and IP address If possible, can you "propagate" this information to other antivirus softwares (maybe you're using a sort of "unified database")? Kind regards, Maurizio
  3. Hello, I'm writing an application for my personal use (and, possibly, sharing it via github when it's complete) that analyzes the filesystem searching for duplicate files, reorganize files with presets, know which files are using more space, merge folders without dupes, etc. Among the features it has, it performs heavy file-related tasks as File listing and enumeration (via https://github.com/VladPVS/FastSearchLibrary) File checksumming (via custom MD5 algo) File copy / move / delete (via native System.IO.* calls) Persistent file enumeration storage into SQlite DB for performance reasons Problem is, as soon as I've implemented the automated functionality that "removes duplicates" from a folder/drive, MBAM immediately treated the compiled application as a Ransomware. The application is giving feedback to the User, via a LogWindow and a MessageBox asking if he really wants to delete these duplicates. I'm sharing the application .exe, and all log files. Kind regards, Maurizio rfeo.zip
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