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Posts posted by SadlyInfected

  1. Terribly sorry for taking so long, here is the microsoft safety screen results on a fresh install of windows
    I reinstalled windows yesterday, but got a notification this morning saying i was signed out of my google account on windows due to suspicious activity and that i might have malware on my device

    Is it possible im still infected after all this? The scan found one infected file that it repaired but it said something to do with windows defender being blocked, which makes me question if im still infected ewven with the clean OS install


  2. My apologies for the laate response, ive been away from home. I ran the script and the computer appears to be as normal. You cannot believe my relief. Thank you all so very, very much.

    edit: I ran an antivirus scan using malwarebytes and it found two, although its possible those could be for a c++ project im testing

    there is also a process running still called Windows host process (Rundll32) that i am not sure is legitimate

  3. I believe i am infected with a BIOS rootkit. allow me to explain why

    1) I downloaded some files off of github and didnt check them (stupid i know) and when i ran them nothing happened ... or so it seemed.

    2) So i went to delete the folder since it seemed useless at that point, and it said it was in use by another program.

    3) I went ahead and opened task manager and saw some processes using fake windows host names running on my pc on startup.

    4) i launched in safe mode and ran 13 different antivirus and rootkit removal tools, they all had 50+ detections and removed everything giving my pc a clean bill of health

    5) restart pc. same files are loading on my system. I am sure they are malicious at this point because they are blocking me from accessing my windows update settings.

    6) back to safe mode to download windows iso creator and flash that to my usb. its blocked. all AV websites are also blocked.

    7) use my laptop to create windows install media, return to pc and boot from usb through bios, never once allowing windows to load

    8) when i get into the windows installation media, it says i dont have any drives connected. panic is starting to set in.

    9) after some research i determine i have a bios rootkit, and decide to reflash my bios

    10) tried reflashing bios, invalid file.

    11) reboot from a different USB that has flash programming tool installed to be able to freely reflash my bios and be safe and secure once again

    12) FPT says i have no drives connected, not even the one i booted from.

    I am desparate at this point, and panicing pretty hard because I am getting every couple of hours an email saying a different account of mine has been compromised, so the rootkit is clearly loading malware. I cannot attach any pictures in this second because i am writing this from the laptop, but I would really appreciate it if someone smarter than me could please help me save my pc. I spen $8000 building it and I really cant handle watching it be murdered in front of me

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