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  1. File hash - 775281e0e45dfb3e3855afef359e81432b935de16b90a2d7ca7e79b691e72375 Threat name - Malware.AI.2129650203
  2. I am being flood for tons of Malware.AI alerts for the file "tern.dll" this morning. Is anyone having similar issues? It seems it's being detected on every machine. File path: C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\tern\\tern.dll
  3. I'm receiving tons of alerts for traffic to Google domains being blocked and classified as malware. Anyone else?
  4. Do you know where I can find more details on this infection?
  5. Over the past few days we've been receiving tons of alerts from Malwarebytes for traffic to h[.]parrable[.]com. After a bit of analysis I found the file dropped from that site is gmpopenh264[.]dll[.]tmp but it is signed by Mozilla and deemed safe by VirusTotal. The file hash is:ced08ce5bc45dbe505fa94b3a4268c0830ccda016a23c0acb16dd7268cfa7a65 So it appears the site itself is just classified as malicious, does anyone know why or have they experienced this too recently?
  6. Over the past few days we've been receiving tons of alerts from Malwarebytes for traffic to h[.]parrable[.]com. After a bit of analysis I found the file dropped from that site is gmpopenh264[.]dll[.]tmp but it is signed by Mozilla and deemed safe by VirusTotal. The file hash is:ced08ce5bc45dbe505fa94b3a4268c0830ccda016a23c0acb16dd7268cfa7a65 So it appears the site itself is just classified as malicious, does anyone know why or have they experienced this too recently?
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