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Posts posted by dazed

  1. I'm normally pretty good at recognizing fishy (or phishy) emails but I accidentally clicked a link in my webmail that took me to a survey site - the web address was something like survey.io and the page that loaded was a privacy policy with accept/decline buttons. I did not click anything on the web page - closed the tab, cleared browser history, cache, etc. - and a check of the URL against VirusTotal showed no malicious detections, but I still am concerned I could have been infected with malware in a "drive-by". My husband says that drive-by malware doesn't happen in an up-to-date Chrome/OS if I didn't click on anything in the page, but I'm not sure if that's true. Is it?MBAM_log.txt

    Malwarebytes Browser Guard showed 35 malware blocked several days after the inadvertent click, although I was viewing known sites at that time, and I have no idea what it flagged on - Malwarebytes (Premium) itself shows nothing in its logs. But the combination of accidental click and MBG malware block raised concerns in my mind.

    I've run a Threat Scan in Malwarebytes and both on- and off-line scans with Windows Defender, as well as on-demand scans with HitmanPro and ESET online scanners, and all found absolutely nothing suspicious. I checked the entries in Autoruns against VirusTotal and came up with 0 (for those with VT results). So with all of that I'm not sure if I'm just being paranoid (particularly due to my husband's dismissal) but I would appreciate assistance from someone more technologically knowledgeable than I. Thanks!


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