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Everything posted by BlakeNowah

  1. Ok, found and read: and Got it, however, my main question now is: How can I make sure that at the time of releasing this game, your software will not block its core library on the machines that my players will install the game to?
  2. Hi, Well, title pretty much says it all, compiling my game in Visual Studio 2019 produces a library [mygamename].dll that is recognized as below: Thing is I'm not sure how this log will help, I'm guessing the last part of the log is a sort of hash you are using to uniquely identify a file, whereas I expect that the respective dll that holds the core functionality of the game will change every release increment I do. Also, to be clear, the code that is in there basically does things like: - array computations (lots of); - draws a lot of tiles; - constantly monitors the keyboard/mouse/controlers for activity; - reading assets from the game directory; - looks for read/write in the users/%user%/appdata/local/mygamefolder -> where I keep saves and some config data. .. don't know what else to describe here, in-memory procedural generations, I have some utils that generate and save some textures to disk.. basically intensive game logic and related stuff. This behavior is recent, yesterday and before that, it worked fine. I have 4 months of developing this with MalwareBytes on and no problems until now. Oh, actually, the only thing done differently is that I discovered I created a regression bug in the method that's zooming the map from the mouse wheel. I pulled up an archive with the old behavior from when it was working fine, opened up that source in paralel in another instance of VS2019, found my bug, fixed it and when I started compiling the original game, MWBytes popped up. I think it's because he discovered two dll files with a general same structure, same name but a bit different? And it drew the conclusion that one of them may be hijacked? Workaround for me: added the file to the allowed list, but said to also give you guys a heads-up. Let me know if I can provide further info. Thanks! LOG: Malwarebytes www.malwarebytes.com -Log Details- Protection Event Date: 12/11/21 Protection Event Time: 11:50 PM Log File: 5dbf2ad0-5acc-11ec-ad83-f02f74a0136b.json -Software Information- Version: Components Version: 1.0.1499 Update Package Version: 1.0.48468 License: Premium -System Information- OS: Windows 10 (Build 19042.1348) CPU: x64 File System: NTFS User: System -Blocked Malware Details- File: 1 MachineLearning/Anomalous.93%, D:\Projects\[GameName]\_Backups\Prototype\2021.11.30 20.57 - [GameName] - fixed screen ratio\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\[GameName].dll, Quarantined, 0, 392687, 1.0.48468, , shuriken, , 49CFB6668E759856A054D0F9C7049095, FF280411D9D60948FE4FFC9D62A7DF66B64A69C96E98A408936C774BF1BBDDBE (end)
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