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Everything posted by dostafan

  1. And one more banner code to doublecheck: <script> (function(w,d,o,g,r,a,m){ var cid=(Math.random()*1e17).toString(36);d.write('<div id="'+cid+'"></div>'); w[r]=w[r]||function(){(w[r+'l']=w[r+'l']||[]).push(arguments)}; function e(b,w,r){if((w[r+'h']=b.pop())&&!w.ABN){ var a=d.createElement(o),p=d.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1; a.src='//cdn.'+w[r+'h']+'/libs/e.js';a.onerror=function(){e(g,w,r)}; p.parentNode.insertBefore(a,p)}}e(g,w,r); w[r](cid,{id:1698718650,domain:w[r+'h']}); })(window,document,'script',['ftd.agency'],'ABNS'); </script>
  2. Hello Jovan, Thank you. We got response from the advertiser that this should be fixed now. Can you please re-check? Best regards, Jan
  3. Hello, to give you little background I work for a company providning livescores websites globally. Recently all banners of 1xbet (online betting provider, longterm partner) started to being blocked by Malwarebytes. They have this domain in common: f1.cdn.ftd.agency And this is an example of a full banner code: <script> (function(w,d,o,g,r,a,m){ var cid=(Math.random()*1e17).toString(36);d.write('<div id="'+cid+'"></div>'); w[r]=w[r]||function(){(w[r+'l']=w[r+'l']||[]).push(arguments)}; function e(b,w,r){if((w[r+'h']=b.pop())&&!w.ABN){ var a=d.createElement(o),p=d.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1; a.src='//cdn.'+w[r+'h']+'/libs/e.js';a.onerror=function(){e(g,w,r)}; p.parentNode.insertBefore(a,p)}}e(g,w,r); w[r](cid,{id:1698718650,domain:w[r+'h']}); })(window,document,'script',['ftd.agency'],'ABNS'); </script> Could you please check if false positive?
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