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Everything posted by TheDavidJohnson

  1. Greetings, It appears that the domain kicksomeadhd [dot] com is being blocked by Malwarebytes. This is most likely due to a malware infection from late 2019 which resulted in a number of phishing emails being sent from the domain. We discovered and shut down the malicious script within 2 hours, and the site has been clean ever since. We're just now in the process of getting the site launched, and discovered there were a handful of block lists and other systems that still had an outdated classification for the site. A friend and client of mine noted that Malwarebytes on his Windows system was blocking the site as of yesterday. We'd like to respectfully request a review and the removal of any blocks from your system. Some other systems for reference. I'm not sure how helpful this is, but I've seen it in some other threads and wanted to provide these in case they're helpful to you. Google Safe Browsing declared the domain/site safe shortly after the infection: https://transparencyreport.google.com/safe-browsing/search?url=https:%2F%2Fkicksomeadhd.com&hl=en FortiGuard reclassified it recently from "Phishing" to "Business" http://fortiguard.com/webfilter?q=https%3A%2F%2Fkicksomeadhd.com&version=8 CRDF Threat Center recently removed it from their threat database: https://threatcenter.crdf.fr/false_positive.php?ref=20200514519820071 CyRadar reclassified the domain as "Safe" https://scan.cyradar.com/#/report/phishing/f4dd619fd856f6b61a601ad87a159deb Please let me know if there are any additional details I can provide. Thank you for your consideration.
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