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  1. Kevin suggested resetting the browser to default. That seems to have gotten rid of the trojan. It was probably deleting all of the cookies as well. Thank you Kevin! And good luck Raffa.
  2. I tried the first two with no help. Step one, reconfiguring Chrome settings: the settings were different than the ones you showed, but I think I accomplished the same thing. It's still just as persistent and annoying. I'm worried about leaving a trojan in my computer for much longer. Too much risk. I have reached out to the Malware team and await their response. Thank you for trying. Frank
  3. Whenever I open Google or IE, I get a constant pop-up saying that the Website is blocked due to a friteem.com Trojan. I tried reconfiguring Google settings as recommended by the forum. I ran Rkill and it did not help. Please tell me how to get rid of this. The pop-ups are non-stop and very irritating. Thank you Frank
  4. Whenever I launch either Chrome or Microsoft Edge I get non-stop alerts that it is blocking an outbound trojan by the name of friteem.com. What is it and how do I get rid of it? Thank you!
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