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Posts posted by lava1

  1. Good Afternoon can someone tell me why it does not show when the data base is updated in the new Malware or when u schedual a scan it dose not pop up any more the last version did 1.75 it would do all this...But the new one doesn't do this and how do u know if your data base has been updated or it is scaning when u say it to scan any help on this would be greatful thank u....I wait for a answer

  2. Good Evening it is 12 midnight here in Toronto,Canada and I got the latest version 3811 at 3pm this afternoon but since than I have checked for new ones me and my roommate and we both have different computers...and the version is still at 3811...usually there is more than one update...this is weird that there hasn't been that many updates today....so I don't know if anybody else is having the same problem....but any help on this matter would be helpful...Thank you for the time...for people responses...

  3. i just want to say Thank you...but I'm trying to understand why dose it show Jan 31st when I update it always shows the date it updates...my logs have the right date...except where you update that date is wrong it never did that...I'm from Toronto,Ontario...and always shows the right day when you do your Updates...I hope I'm explaining this right...Thank you again for your help

  4. Good Morning,

    I'm sorry to be a bother or a pain to someone but for some reason since yesterday I have done my Updates and for some reason it still shows it Jan 31st...but in my logs it shows yesterday and today's updates it shows the right date...any help on this matter would be helpful...and I wait for a answer Thank you Kindly...From a older person I don't know much about computers... I just don't if is my side with this problems or others are having the same problem again Thank you for taking the time to read this....

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