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Posts posted by Marvin

  1. "You can also try excluding the program folder for your music application from Malwarebytes using the Exclude a File or Folder option and leaving the default option selected which excludes it from detection by all of the modules (which I believe you already did) and you can add the folder it is using for temp files to your exclusions, but for that one just select the Exclude from detection as ransomware only to see if that helps.  It may be necessary to also exclude the data folder used by the music application which is likely located somewhere under C:\ProgramData or under C:\Users\Your Username\Application Data or possibly both." 

    Thank you but i already did that part. :D

  2. Ah thank you very much :D

    I also wanna ask you something @LiquidTension

    As i said im doing music production in an audio programm named Ableton Live. Im using it all day but since i installed Malwarebytes it gives me an error message that it can't create temporary files, and the programm closes. I added the programm itself, the chache (where the temp files are located to) and the other local files to the exclusion list but it does nothing. I also turned off all security settings and tried it again but eventually it does nothing to it. Maybe Malwarebytes prevents the automatic creation of files in general or am i wrong?

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