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  1. hi, i dont see any issues at the moment. thanks
  2. please see attached. DO I also need reset settings for Chrome and Explorer? I used those browsers as well while I was having problems with Firefox with virus. Fixlog.txt
  3. seems like there is a virus. Used Malwarebytes yesterday and removed some but something new popped up today. also when I am using my firfox browser looks like the browser is going somewhere else first before its trying to get to me click destination. please see files attached. thanks you Addition.txt FRST.txt Malwarebytes_export.txt
  4. computer is running much more smoothly and faster btw
  5. ok thanks for the reply. I will stop using firefox till we are done here. However, I am not even signed into firefox for syncing. please see attached fixlog Fixlog.txt
  6. please see attached files. the malwarebyte scan keep getting a trojan.clicker in the registry is that something to be concerned of? I have deleted that before. Fixlog.txt log_malwarebytes_11_5_18.txt FRST.txt Addition.txt
  7. Hi, Just to clarify. remove the program in normal mode. Do I Run the fix in recovery mode or normal mode? then run Malwarebytes and scan for Farbar in normal mode as well? thank you in advance. Dennis
  8. ok my mistake. i reformatted the USB and ran it in recovery now. please see attached FRST.txt
  9. Yes I have clean laptop and USB drive. please see result from FRST Fixlog.txt
  10. Hi, please help. see attach docs. FRST.txt Addition.txt log_malwarebytes.txt
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