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Nigel Clubley

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About Nigel Clubley

  • Birthday 10/08/1963

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  1. Guys Just to say thanks to all at MB and on the forum who provided help. In the end I had to do a complete reinstall as, after copying the system.bak file and renaming to system all seemed OK until prompted for an admin password (which I don't recall setting in the first place) Anyway, I've reinstalled now. I know false positives can happen but full marks to MB for their efforts in correcting and helping out users such as myself. Will certainly carry on using the product. Rgds
  2. My understanding is that the set of instructions I've been given by the MB Helpdesk are intended to copy a system.bak file from the repair folder on my corrupted laptop into the system 32\config folder, having renamed the earlier (and corrupt) version to system.bak This is an extract from the instructions I was given 12) Once you have correctly entered the administrator password, you will be shown something that looks like the following line: C:\WINDOWS>_ 13) You can now type out the following commands, one at a time, making sure to press enter after each one. Each command is on a separate line. Please make sure that you type them exactly as they are shown here, and pay special attention to the placement of the period after a blank space on the third line: cd system32\config ren system system.mbam copy ..\..\repair\system . exit 14) After typing 'exit' and pressing 'Enter', your computer should restart. Make sure to remove the CD. The bit I'm having a problem with is the copy ..\ statement above. I've established that a folder windows\repair does indeed exist on the laptop and within it is a file system.bak so, assuming my understanding of what we're trying to achieve here is correct, its just a case of getting the correct statement to copy the file from c:\windows\repair to c:\windows\system32\config Anyone help ?
  3. No probs - appreciate your help. I've messaged you with the full helpdesk instructions so you can see what I've been asked to do. I get the feeling that we're nearly there and as you suggest there are files to copy from the recovery CD
  4. Thanks. That seems to make sense as I imagine the point is to copy a fresh 'system' file (or files) from the recovery CD onto the laptop I'll give that a go
  5. ok, thanks for that Next instruction I've been asked to type in is copy ..\..\repair\system . but again I get the 'The system cannot find the file specified warning'
  6. MB have been excellent so far in trying to help me to resolve this issue on my sons laptop (I only had recovery disks and not a windows XP cd) so they have sent me instructions on how to compile and run a recovery console. However, I'm thinking that I've missed something Recovery CD created as I was instructed to - on the CD is a folder (I386) and 3 x files (WIN51, WIN51IC, WIN51IC.SP2) I've got the machine to boot from CD and got as far as the C:\WINDOWS> prompt without issue Then type in cd system32\config which seems top be fine and changes directory to C:\WINDOWS\system32\confif> However, when I type in the next command ren system system.mbam I get a message saying 'The system cannot find the file or directory specified' so i can get no further. Looking at whats in the directory within this folder I can see the system.mbam file and also system.LOG system.sav and thats it Anybody help - did anyone else following the instructions hit the same issue ?
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