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Posts posted by tatreps

  1. On 3/20/2018 at 8:57 PM, exile360 said:

    According to a list of games that support OpenGL on Wikipedia, it does, however I also found references to it supporting DirectX on the Steam forums, so unless it is possible for it to support both simultaneously (which I didn't believe was possible, though admittedly I'm no expert on the subject), then I believe it is DirectX based, not OpenGL.

    It is Direct X 9 32-bit. At least that's what Windows 10 says it is.

  2. Originally I disabled all the protection, then started up the game to see if it was fixed and it was.

    I just started up the game to test, and found out that after I stopped playing and re-enabled all the protections the game worked fine. No lag on autosaves.

    I then restarted my computer and started up Borderlands 2 with all of Malwarebytes protection starting on startup and found that the lagging on autosave was back.

    I proceeded to check each option, one at a time, off while leaving the rest on, then turning it back on after turning it off didn't fix the lag.

    I have found that disabling Ransomware Protection fixes the lag on autosaves.

    Re-enabling the setting after disabling once, does NOT bring the lag on autosave back. I must restart my computer and have the protections begin on startup for the issue to reappear.

  3. I recently upgraded from 3.3 to 3.4 and have noticed lag in Borderlands 2 when the game autosaves at a checkpoint. I did not have this issue with the 3.3 version and it only appeared post upgrade to 3.4. It makes the game literally unplayable. I have found other people who recently, as in the last two weeks who are having the same issue.


    They also report the issue post 3.4 update considering the timing of the posts being March of this year.

    They solved it by disabling Malwarebytes Real Time protections.

    I can confirm that Malwarebytes is indeed the issue and when these protections are disabled the lag disappears.

    Please fix this, as I don't want to disable my protection just to play a video game.

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