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Posts posted by bclajr

  1. 6 minutes ago, Carm said:

    How about rolling your jenky update back to the previous version!

    People paid for this and less experienced users I am sure are loosing their minds probably taking their PC and paying hundreds of dollars in a repair shop because of refusal to ROLL IT BACK

    Seems to be an inherent stubbornness with all developers refusal to roll something back

    Even though they obviously idiotically didn't do enough testing, its only been a couple of hours. It's a little too soon to make those comments. imo. but then again, who am i? :ph34r:

  2. 2 minutes ago, cyraxote said:

    THE PORN WAS A JOKE! Lighten up. 

    I don't know what a "blanket of ignorance" is (maybe like a "cloak of invisibility"?), but I find it difficult to believe that INDIVIDUAL users (i.e., people with one or two PCs) can't do what I did. 

    Blanket of ignorance: i.e. people with this problem didn't think of of trying your fix. I'm saying people tried that and it didn't help. Your fix doesn't work for everyone. Not all PC's are alike (lol). I don't know how to spell it out anymore than I just did.

  3. 7 minutes ago, cyraxote said:

    My computer didn't crash or reboot. I killed the service and disabled it. Killed it again a few times, and done. No muss, no fuss.

    If you've really had 25 years of IT experience, you'd know that this is an incredibly minor if annoying problem. At this point, it requires nothing but patience. And maybe avoid the porn sites for a while.

    You seriously have no idea what you're talking about. Just because you had that fix doesn't mean you can put this blanket of ignorance over all the people that are having this problem. like many of these people, I had tried your fix before I cam here with no avail and honestly I  personally don't watch porn. 

  4. Having the same problem. 2 computer crashes with 12GB+ of RAM being used. I had to uninstall it. I was getting a message of unable to connect to license server and also I could not connect the Web Protection successfully. I had to uninstall the Premium version I bought. Seems like this horrible bug ramps up by amount of ram you have and stays around 95%. On a side note,  my Premium account is "gone." It says my email address has not been used with malware bytes. So now I have to buy another license because you guys are F***ing up.  What is going on here....



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