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  1. So I removed the Browser Guard extension and immediately regained the disk space. Not an ideal way to have to handle the problem. Does this qualify as a bug?
  2. That was the first thing I tried; just did it again. No dice.
  3. Windows 11 Beta, Edge Stable version.... I was looking at my C: disk usage and noted that under Edge the extension noted below (identified as MB Browser Guard) is taking up 14GB of hard drive space. Is this normal and what options do I have to reduce this?
  4. I've not seen the issue repeat since 10/27; I've been keeping up with the current Beta. Did y'all fix something intentionally or did it go away by itself?
  5. Found this one happened about 90 minutes ago. mbst-grab-results.zip
  6. I've got it turned on now. It'll be tricky catching it, because I only noticed these when I run Reliability History
  7. It doesn't seem to be browser related. It often happens in the middle of the night when I am not at the computer. I do use Edge pretty much exclusively. I have Firefox installed but rarely use it.
  8. Was getting this before I switched to the Beta version also, but seems to have become an almost daily occurrence..
  9. Thanks for adding my screenshot. What happened, as best as I can recall the steps. I updated MB using the Check For Updates function. When finished it said I was updated, but there were things I needed to check, so I clicked the See Details button. I was informed that I should install Browser Guard. Since I already have it, installed via MS Store, I assumed it was an upgrade and said go ahead. I was taken to the Chrome Store website, and it was installed as a second extension instance in Edge, same version numbers. Sent the note to the MB thread on the Win 11 forum and was told I should remove one of them; makes sense, right? When I removed the Chrome store (newer) one the MB dashboard application resumed telling me I had something I needed to fix. I reinstalled the Chrome version and removed the MS Store version. I'm just an old IT guy with 45+ years' experience, but it seems to me that your installer should be able to recognize when the extension is already installed and deal with it properly.
  10. So, MB just updated to and now I have 2 versions of Browser Guard installed. If I remove the one MB installed from Chrome Store, then my MB dashboard tells me that I don't have it installed. I am hesitant to remove the older one from MS Store because that' where all my current settings live. Which one is the real Browser Guard?
  11. Thank you! Things seem to b OK now. I'll not be trying the Beta setting again anytime soon. I'm guessing that having two Betas (Win and MB) just doesn't play well together.
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