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  1. Same miserable experience. Clean install, I even did a non-quick format of the disk. Windows 7 updated to SP1 and all important updates. As soon as I installed MB3 it slowed from loading Chrome in a second or two to 12+ seconds. Other programs are even worse. How do I go back to a version that works? Very annoying since I was conned into buying new licenses when it turns out my existing licenses would have worked fine. Has anyone found a fix that works?
  2. I have a love-hate relationship with Malwarebytes. They have brought out a new version but give no path to an upgrade. I spoke to a support person and was told to cancel my current subscription and buy a new one. What they didn't tell me is that I get no credit for my exisiting subscription. Essentially they bring out a better product and tell me "too bad you can't get it". Also I have found that using even their own product ADWCleaner, I find multiple web problems that I was not protected from. Never mind that I can't do backups with the product. How do they continue to act like this, it's like they say "yes, we know our last product sucked but try the new one at full price.
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