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  1. Ok, take this anyway you wish but, so far, from what I am reading, I have seen nothing but blaming the computers of others and not much else. I have 2 Ryzen R7 systems, one a 1700 and one a 1700X. Both have 32 GB of ram and run off of SSD's at least 480GB in size. The newest version of Malwarebytes is making my systems both slow to a crawl as well. With the service running, programs load very slowly and boot up times are quite slow as well. However, once the service is disabled, both systems are extremely fast and programs load instantly. Fix your program or not is entirely up to you but, the program now causes issues like the old version of Norton Internet Security did back in 2006 and 2007. The additional protections should still never cause my systems to operate like they are several years old instead of just a few days old. They are both Windows 10 Pro and I am in IT which means I have been using your program for years. Going forward, I will not enable it in the background, thanks anyways.
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