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  1. Hi everyone, first and foremost I want to thank you for taking time our of your day to come and help me out. Recently after downloading some mods for a game, I came into contact with some nasty unwanted programs that came with the download. I attempted to uninstall what I could but the damage was done. Every few minutes a popup Internet Explorer/Microsoft Edge window will appear with the address "click.adservinganalytics" and redirect me to some ad. (My default browser is Chrome and Chrome never opens a popup). I've run malwarebytes with the Rootkit option set on, along with running a complete scan with Windows Defender, Zemana, and Hitman, and AdwCleaner. They find a couple threats each time and deal with them, but once I've rebooted, the popups still appear! I've scanned and rebooted several times but each time a new threat seems to appear (or the old ones remain.) I've attached the most recent Hitman log, as well as what the popups look like. I am on a Windows 10 Dell Inspiron 15.7569. Any help would really be appreciated. I'm a college undergrad with this new laptop and it's frankly my first time encountering malware--so any advice or time spent looking at my plea for help really would mean a lot to me. Thanks so much. HitmanPro_20170316_2340.log
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