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Posts posted by Muckaluck

  1. 3 hours ago, treed said:

    Were you actually seeing RTProtectionDaemon taking large amounts of your CPU for no good reason? If so, send me a direct message. I'd like to gather more information.

    If that wasn't the case, are you certain it was RTProtectionDaemon that caused the performance issue, or could it have been some other coincidental process? I'm not trying to deny the possibility, just trying to gather data.

    It wasn't the CPU cycles, but the memory. From viewing Activity Monitor I could tell that my Memory Pressure was quite high, and when I finally killed the RTProtectionDaemon process, the memory pressure went down and my computer resumed its normal activity.

  2. I found the Rtprotectiondaemon definitely slowed my computer down to a crawl, as it was taking up 1.5GB memory before i killed the process. 


    It seems to me that this is more like beta software, and that users need to tread carefully. I also noticed that unlike the PC version there's no way to end the trial, so users are stuck with the faulty realtime protection unless they carefully change the settings.  This seems like an unfortunate time to start charging full price ($40/yr) for the Mac version.

  3. I have another report of a user unable to use the Mailchimp website because it was blocked by MWB.  Do we have confirmation that this is aberrant behavior an

    Is the solution (until MWB updates to correct this) to whitelist sites (https://support.malwarebytes.com/customer/en/portal/articles/1835326-how-do-i-stop-malwarebytes-anti-malware-from-blocking-a-website-or-network-program-that-i-trust-?b_id=6438) and if so what are all of the Mailchimp IPs or domains that would need to be whitelisted?

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