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Everything posted by r7t8

  1. In the following thread, Root Admin says: "MBAM System Requirements were clarified with the latest release" and "Please download the special installer from this page." https://forums.malwarebytes.org/topic/170731-0xc000001d-error-failed-to-initialize/ Both of these statements are FALSE. The download page does not clarify the system requirements and the download link in that thread is broken. I understand that people make mistakes, but I find it very annoying when people blatantly lie, and then lock the topic so no one can complain about it. The arrogance and rudeness of Malwarebytes seems to have no end. They just dont care how much of the users time is wasted by their lying, laziness, and product misrepresentation. If you cannot simply disable SSE2 optimizations at compile time, the least you could do is post a simple statement on the download page like this: The following CPU's are not supported due to the lack of an SSE2 instruction set: Intel Pentium III, AMD Athlon XP, VIA C3, Transmeta Crusoe, Intel Quark Why do you censoreders continue to needlessly waste the users time by forcing them to troubleshoot cryptic error messages? We will never purchase another new Windows machine that is designed to have backdoors and spyware. We dont use this old hardware for daily work but millions of people see no reason to throw a perfectly good LCD display in the trash that could be used to monitor traffic from an IDS/firewall appliance. Why cant the Malwarebytes installer work the same as other installers: they just say the CPU is unsupported and thats the end of it. No muss, no fuss. If you are lazy and stupid in one area, I cannot trust your software to do other tasks properly.
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