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Posts posted by Giggsteve

  1. Thank you so much, sir!

    Am I missing something, though?

    I swear that when I downloaded the setup file on my own machine a few weeks ago, it was only like a 400K file, and the setup file merely ran a downloader to download the actual install file and install Malwarebytes.

    Did this change, or am I just losing it?

    Thanks again though, I really appreciate the quick response.

  2. Hello guys...

    First post, and I already feel foolish asking this.

    I keep Malwarebytes on a thumb drive with a couple other tools. This is useless, however, if the computer that is infected does not have an internet connection.

    How would I go about installing the actual program to a computer with no internet?

    I'm familiar with updating the definitions by simply downloading and overwriting the definitions file, but I'm a bit confused as to how I can install this, since the installer is merely a downloader.

    I appreciate the help!

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