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  1. Last night I was streaming a movie. Notice comes up......new update available close movie update NOW? Unable to open service. Malwarbytes won't start or even open. HELP exploit protections OFF and won't come on. I am in my Admin account. I was in my quest account when I got the notice. Help
  2. Well twice now I've removed MBAM ........followed your directions firefox. Got a scan or two out of it and then the failed scan code 8 comes up again. I went to do your part II of problem solving.....like #2. Downloaded that and went to use it and a pop up said this was not commerically used and all kinds of warnings not to use it. What the heck? I'm frustrated. please advise. I got one scan after the last replacement and it found 3 PUP's and deleted them. Then today. failed. Any other suggestions that won't bring on warning pop ups?
  3. Many thanks FireFox! I did what you told me to and everything is functioning perfectly! I'm very grateful to you. Old grandma
  4. I uninstalled the program and then re.installed it. I opted for the 2 weeks free. Ran scan. Got in pop up window that scan failed. Code 8. What? lol
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