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Posts posted by steelsox1

  1. Ok, I am back in the office and I noticed I did not have a shortcut for MBAE on my work desktop.  So, I clicked Restore Defaults in the advanced settings and rebooted.  I seem to be okay now.  My guess is I messed around with another setting thinking "checking this is better protection", but I am still learning and must have caused the issue.

    Thank you all for the great advice and for staying with this.  I am now back to normal protection levels and can do an attachment in my Office Web Access client without IE getting shutdown.  Be well.

  2. 5 minutes ago, John L. Galt said:

    @steelsox1 - Don't know if you're monitoring this, so I'm tagging you and will send you a PM tomorrow if you haven't returned.  The above solution should work for you without having to disable that setting.

    Thank you all, I am but I am traveling so I can't test this until I return home later this weekend.  I have an older laptop on me and that desktop icon is not causing an issue as that was done by a prior version of MBAE.  The office computer desktop icon was manually put there from me, so I will try this solution and report back.  Thanks again!

  3. John, thank you for the warm welcome and advice.  You were darn close...Turns out I had to uncheck the 'Detection of Anti-Exploit fingerprinting attempts' for it to work.

    I have 'Disable Internet Explorer VB Scripting' still checked, so I think it was the fingerprinting.  Thank you again, now I know where to dive deep in MBAE!

  4. I am perplexed on how to do an attachment from my computer using Office 365 in a browser from my home computer.

    I am logged into my business account via the browser when at home and the default attachment options show my business OneDrive directory.  I had a screen shot of something I wanted to share, so I hit My Computer to select it and MBAE shutdown IE and I got the error message in the attached Jpeg.

    Has anyone else experienced this?  If so, is there a way to stop it from happening?

    I have a workaround, but the problem is I don't remember it the first time I get shut down and I have lost some of my email text as it happened before auto-save was done.  It's just annoying as IE has to be restarted and I have to login again, pull up the Draft and try to recompose what was lost and then do a drag and drop into the email...which seems to take a few attempts before it sticks.

    I would rather report this as a bug, which I believe it to be, or change a setting if the bug has been figured out.  Thanks!

    MBAE Snip 3.PNG

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