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Everything posted by HopelesslyFaithful

  1. I read a post that says MBAM will be multithreaded back in 2009 but I do not see it using multiple threads on my 4770K. I see it cap at a single thread and my Sandisk Extreme Pro drops in speed. It will also drop well below the speed of a full core/thread but that's obviously due to the SSD not keeping up at those given moments. So is multithreaded scans not even available yet? even though you were working on it in 2009? Also when will you scan multiple drives at once? I have yet to hear a single AV/AM scan several drives at once or send Q32 depth requests....why keep requests to a single drive and to a single thread in regards to CPU and HDD. The CPUs sit so freakin ideal these days doing scan because SSDs/HDDs/CPUs are not being properly utilized. Why are these features not implemented like 5 years ago? multithread CPU scanning high Q depth requests (gets ride of the 4K issue) scan all drives at once These seem basic common sense to me and I just wanted to know why they haven't been done yet...some of them are even easy like scanning several drives at once and high Q depth
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