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Everything posted by marshedpotato

  1. Hi everyone Sorry to be "that guy" who bumps his posts, but since my post is no longer on the first page of threads I'm just a bit concerned about it will be missed. I could really use some advice on this if anyone knows how I can stop this Trovi file from coming back every time I restart? Brad
  2. Hi TwinHeadedEagle Thankyou very much for your quick response. Here are the log files you requested. Brad FRST.txt Addition.txt
  3. Hi everyone. For the past few months I have had this problem. Any help with this would be very much appreciated. Some time ago I got a little bit of PUP on my machine. Nothing too bad, just a browser hijack called Trovi. I ran a Malwarebytes scan there and then, and it found and removed Trovi. Since then, I have never experienced any of the symptoms of Trovi. My computer is working fine and as far as I can tell there is no Trovi anymore, however every time I do a Malwarebytes scan, it finds a Trovi file. Here is a picture of what Malwarebytes finds: http://goo.gl/d9vf71 If I tell Malwarebytes to remove it, and then do another scan, it doesn't find anything. However, if I restart my computer and then do another scan, Malwarebytes will then find the same "PUP.Optional.Trovi.A" in the same exact location. It comes back every time I restart! Like I say, as far as I can tell this Trovi file isn't actually doing anything. My browser has been completely normal ever since Malwarebytes removed it the first time. I'm just concerned about what on earth it could be doing in the background and how the heck it keeps managing to come back every time I restart. Does anyone have any ideas on how to get rid of it short of reinstalling Windows? Here is a Malwarebytes log file from one of the many times it has detected the Trovi file: https://goo.gl/acJJr2 Many thanks in advance Brad
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