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  1. I've looked at section 2 again and still don't find a problem. CPU > 1GHZ (3.10ghz) RAM > 1 GB (8gb) HDD Space > 100 MB (15gb) .NET Framwork = 3.5 (also 4.5) Windows Installer >4.0 (v5 comes with windows 7 based on MS website) OS = Win 7 (Pro) Network sharing center under Domain settings: Network discovery = On File and Print Sharing = On Public folder sharing = Off File sharing connection = Use 128-bit encryption
  2. Hello, We've installed the management console on our MS 2008 R2 domain server. We can connect to the domain and I added 3 admin account and can use them to login to the console. The problem I'm having is pushing out the client install package. Yes, I followed the instructions on pages 54-55 of the Management Console Admin Guide and my pc meets all requirements. When I enter my local IP address in the "scan range" boxes and click "scan". I get "detection failed. system error 53 has occurred. the network path was not found" I've tried the inital "scan network" check box only and the "scan network and detect client software" In the "scan network and detect client software" section, I've used as domain\user - administrator@mydomain.com and the appropriate password. I've also tried checking the 2 other boxes for WMI and IP detection. Same results. I've checked NSLOOKUP and get myserver.mydomain.com as the default server and it's correct IP address. I'm a domain admin and a local pc admin. I even tried enabling the local admin account and setting the password on it. I've "scanned computers under OU" and it shows 7. There should be 30+ I don't have much hair left on my head and I'd like to keep what little is left... This is not helping Help Please! Thank you
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