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Everything posted by yereverluvinunclebert

  1. Of course they have different reactions. I think that is my point.
  2. Thankyou. I just want them to understand that they seem immature and therefore unreliable. That is the impression they are giving. When you have surgery do you want to see geeks in sandals high-five-ing each other and shouting "awesome"? No. Youth is not correspondent with reliability. I want to believe that those people I PAY to protect my computer and those of my clients are thoughtful, sensible, considered professionals just like the surgeon that explores my colon... Please point them to this thread and try to explain the logic of the situation. There is a school of thought that suggests that you should not always give marketing people a free reign as they can do damage to your image. Sometimes when the marketing people convince themselves they are right, a reality check is in order via a short, sharp smack around the chops. Exposure to this thread might be that smack if applied by someone with enough authority. Please give it to someone higher up the chain and see what they can do with it. It might really be the right thing to do for the company and its image. Thank YOU for your help.
  3. Well this needs to be explained to them. Marketing is about identifying with your client base and not marketing what your current hobbies/trends are. Not on this type of product. The client base for malwarebytes are professionals that recommend an advanced tool to clients. Frankly I am embarrassed by this promotion of their juvenile character and it does nothing but place a worrying nag in my mind as to the direction of this tool. It shows the immaturity of the marketing team that they think it is appropriate. Forgive me for coming over as specifically aiming at you - I am not. I am aiming this specifically at the current culture that is coming out of the Malwarebytes team. If this is the marketing approach from this point onward then I suggest it paints a picture of dumbing down, of Malwarebytes becoming a lowest possible demoninator, not a tool to be taken seriously. A Toys-R-Us of anti-malware solutions. I am rather dismayed that they believe this is appropriate. I lose confidence, others must do the same. Please bring it to their attention.
  4. It is nothing to do with Malwarebytes team supporting the industry, bundling toolbars, having the right to a malware free existence or any of that. That is really irrelevant. As for the team being young, well that's fine but immaturity can show in language through the use of 'slang' or what forms the common vocabulary of the young at this moment. That does not make it sensible or relevant to use it in an international product that is distributed worldwide. When people buy malwarebytes they are not buying into the culture of the youthful team that created it, we are specifically purchasing an anti-malware tool that has been proven to work over a period of years. If I accept the "casual" language then by the same token am I expected to accept the pink baby unicorns with big doe-eyes that you might introduce as the theme for the next version of malwarebytes? Please think. We do not want software with slacks, a t-shirt and trainers. We don't want to know any of that. We are computer professionals and we expect you to be the same. We want you to have the same level of professionalism shown in your language as you show in your product. That language is written on the product and gives an impression of playful youthfulness and fun that I do not want to see in an anti malware product. I am really very surprised that this common sense approach is not immediately apparent to you now. I am struggling to understand why we even need this conversation if you understand marketing, your client base, logic and what constitutes a professional approach to your customers. Do you really think your clients expect you to use language like that as your main communication with the client and that is likely to inspire confidence? The most annoying thing for me is that you are NOT my friends, you are a company and I don't want to be treated as if I am your best buddy. We have a contractual relationship based upon money and trust. I give you money as I trust you to come up with a trustworthy professional product. You write "awesome" on it. Do you understand now?
  5. The word "awesome" is utterly inappropriate for usage on a professional product and certainly does not instill any confidence in Malwarebytes team that chose this type of language. It indicates that you have a lack of understanding of English and what words are meant to convey to a wider audience and therefore there is the implication that you aren't fully-rounded people that understand the use of appropriate language in the correct situation - or it comes across that you are just a bit simple... I know you are not simple so I have to imagine the former. There is a unimpressive trend for Corporations and businesses to want to seem chatty and informal. It comes over as incredibly fake and badly condescending as no Corporation exists as your friend or your 'buddy'. Either way the use of the word awesome implies a level of ignorance on some level. You would be well advised to remove it. Your audience does not all comprise average Americans and so an international reach requires an understanding of international English. Some of your team need to have some cultural awareness lessons to understand the effect of language on culture. It might be wise to seem less "informal American" to the outside world and as a result you will come over as a little more professional and a little less dim. The fact that you can't see this already shows you are already too entrenched in your own "casual" culture to recognise a perfectly valid recommendation from the original poster. I have always been a paid supporter of malwarebytes and wish the best for the product and team, in all ways. Please improve in this one small area where you are deficient. I sadly expect a trite and defensive reply rather than a considered and intelligent one if it is from the same person who chose the word "awesome" to appear in the first place.
  6. Thankyou for the comprehensive reply. I have raised a ticket and am hoping for a speedy resolution.
  7. I have a new laptop, old lappie dead now due to age and neglect. Old lappie XP/Vista, new lappie Win10. I am installing all my old software that I can find the installers and ids for - but one that is not activating is Malwarebytes, I have a valid and paid for id code and licence code that worked on the previous device but it fails the test here on Win10 and the new version malwarebytes. It might have been quite a while since I last used it to activate malwarebytes. Possibly even a few years. Can you please assist with what I need to do to use my old code on the new version of malwarebytes on Win10... I can supply the id and code if required by PM.
  8. Acer 2.5ghz laptop core2duo, 4gb Ram, Windows XP 32 bit SP3, premium version of Malwarebytes. Previously no isssues. Latest version of Malwarebytes causes the whole PC to hang/freeze for 20 seconds almost immediately Malwarebytes is run seemingly during the preparation phase. Nothing on the PC functions at all. After 20 secs the machine unfreezes and runs normally only to have the same thing occur after 30 secs or so normal operation. After this second freeze machine runs properly from then on. Happens if I start Malwarebytes in any manner at all. Does not occur at Windows startup. Very disconcerting, causes problems for programs such as WinSCP accessing files on remote servers, disconnected due to timeouts, then WinSCP often has to be killed manually. Avast is my a/v tool, Sygate Personal Firewall is my default firewall. Malwarebytes has always worked well with these tools in the past. No infections, regularly run (once a month) super antispyware (not installed) spyware search and destroy (only installed when I run it), clamwin and ComboFix. Machine runs very well and has no infections. I like Malwarebytes and have run it for years, all my clients have it on my recommendation. Latest version seems a lot 'heavier' in operation. These freezes are killing my confidence. Had to disable the daily scheduled scans as my machine would seem to lock up for no apparent reason. Each time a scan had kicked off in the background. ctrl/alt+ del had no effect, machine thoroughly locked for 15-25 secs, twice in a row, every time. Any thoughts please? PS I normally activate Malwarebytes on a right click on a folder in explorer. When the scan runs, although the total file numbers are listed, the actual file names are not shown - It would be really useful to know what Malwarebytes is scanning at this moment. It would give confidence as well as idea of progress.
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