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Posts posted by Tiare

  1. Malwarebytes on it's own site: 3 PCs = $39.95 a year, 1 PC $24

    Malwarebytes in a little box on other sites/physical stores: 3 PCs = $18.32 a year (Wal-Mart)


    Why is just buying one copy for yourself so inordinately expensive? You could get it for 3 PC's with MWAB:AE for the http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16832562016&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC-_-pla-_-Software+-+AntiVirus+%26+Internet+Security-_-N82E16832562016&gclid=CLvS8-bV0ssCFZM6gQody-IEHw&gclsrc=aw.dssame price as buying it for 3 PC's digitally...

  2. The foremost example is Skype.


    I don't want to make an exception for Skype, But i don't actually need to be notified if MWAB intercepts Skype because I seem to get a lot of false flags due to the nature of skype that are just from it doing it's P2P thing, Forgive me if i'm wrong about how skype works but i looked it up and it seems like a lot of people encounter this issue with skype specifically. I'm sure other programs have similar issues, And i'd rather have a way to hide indicators fromt hem than to whitelist them, which could be a security risk(?)

  3. It's a known issue sometimes with the Java shield. It is fixed in version 1.04 which I will send you via PM so you can verify that it is fixed.


    Btw I'll also merge this post with the existing thread for the Java FP/Slowdowns.


    Well, The other issue is that i can't seem to disable it, Turning off the program causes it to still block things, And it won't respond to Task manager's attempts to close it

  4. Lol - I didn't bother grabbing those files as, well, I had no use for them - I posted the link for the explanation of what MBAM actually does 0_o


    Ha! I tend to look about when i see new information, That was full of it.


    Although now i'm trying to think of a good analogy for MBAM


    AV is to MBaM as Police are to SWAT team

    If you have a better one let me know :P

  5. See http://press.malwarebytes.org/resources/


    There is a link there to a .PDF explaining what MBAM is exactly under Comparisons/Reviews/Tests


    I'm afraid that one isn't Crystal Clear.


    Aren't Viruses considered malware?


    Is it just for the "Multi layer" bit?

    Sorry about these questions, Must not sound like the smartest aspiring techie.

    Unless i'm told otherwise, I'm going to imagine that i'm safe with MSE/MWAB running side by side

  6. A virus i'd think falls into the category of malware, and since i began using it, I've had MWAB work far better then any overly costly antivirus system 



    I remember hearing that "Malwarebytes is NOT a standalone antivirus solution"

    But why? I've had it solve more problems then my actual antivirus, I stopped using the costly, CPU and money eating Kaspersky in exchange for a MWB license a while back, Accompanied by windows' standard antivirus.


    So TL;DR, Why isn't MWB a standalone AV exactly,? I mean if it quacks like a duck...

  7. I too think lifetime should stay, Especially considering they'll T-Bone their profits a bit and drive people to piracy a lot more


    Plus what about all the people such as i who have already forked over for lifetime? *Thoughtful chin scratch*

    Oh yea i imagine there was probably a "We can do as we please" clause in the T&C


    Still, Amazing piece of software that might make a bad move

  8. With MBAM it always had the option to wake the computer from sleep, but that required you not turning the computer off (obviously).


    OK, links:


    Results checkboxes: https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=144343


    banner at bottom:  https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=143942


    Disable banners:  https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=144152


    GUI design looks fake:  https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=144054


    More discussion on GUI design:  https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=143185


    GUI design - Notifications:  https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=143240


    Other suggestions:  https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=143225


    Another suggestion:  https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=142866




    Now that I think about it, there are also duplicate threads in here for other issues.  Perhaps they could be merged to prevent more duplication....


    Yea sorry, I know what forum admins and programmers alike deal with, But when there's so much to sift through it's hard to avoid redundancy

  9. Id like to see more improvement before releaseing 2.0 because of issues everyones reporting and to save them time/money in the long from from having to update it to fix stuff even thats why im waiting for full release and to see if they fix the rest of the issues that everyones reporting..just saying


    I've had no "Game breaking" issues with it






    1. I believe that that is what the quarantine is for.
    2. There is a quarantine all button at the bottom left.  Plus, another user has also requested this.
    3. Another user has requested this, in fact there is a whole thread on it.
    4. +1 for the other tabs from me :D
    5. +5 - great suggestion
    6. When scanning your main drive (C:) after the initial scan it is a true progress bar.  Unfortunately, as reported by other users, this is only true for C, as it seems to break for other drives.


    1. Been mentioned by another user or two, with a whole different thread for full discussion.
    2. Actually, it is a noted issue.  It tends to freeze up (depending upon ones system) for as long as 15 seconds.



    Thanks, That information is helpfull

  10. Look, This might sound extraordinarily dumb, But this is how it is:



    Techbench seems really cool, And i'd like to get one for "Personal use" AKA use on my own computers, At most the computer of a friend or bumbling family member who manages to install malware on his computer by looking at it funny



    So obviously there doesn't seem to be a way to get one of these for noncommercial uses, Despite the fact that some people might really like it for that reason

    (Hinted at by the fact that getting a quote on a neat lil' Key shaped USB stick demands company information, And a multi-hundred dollar price approximation)



    So i'm wondering if it's possible, Or would be considered to make some manner of getting a personal use techbench for a reasonable price as $399.00 per year effectively makes applicable to business only, when it would be useful to many others


    Thanks for your time at any rate, Apoligies if this is misplaced or redundant 

  11. I've just popped it in and from what i've seen so far, It looks pretty great


    Although some key points, And ideas  although overall i really love the beta and hope i can trust it at the mo'  Good job and can't wait to see the full version team!




    • The "Dashboard" screen bears a striking resemblance to one of those rouge security products (You know the ones, This isn't very serious mind you)
    • "Self protection module" Makes it freeze up and crash upon attempt to activate it (Although it's "On when i come back to it, What does it do along with early start?)




    • There doesn't seem to be an option to remove hazards straight from the scan detection screen
    • There ought be the feature where you can select all of the bits of malware via miniature text box above "select"
    • Maybe an option to disable the tool tips at the bottom...? I already bought it, The "Hints" and recommendation to buy business edition, On account of me not running a whole office
    • Bring back the tabs for the other utilities that MWAB's site offers, Such as chameleon, And maybe a direct shortcut replaces the link if the utility is already installed
    • Ask the user if He/She wants to clear the recycle bin pre-scan, It's annoying to see the darn thing scan the recycle bin because i forgot to empty 4GB of trash out
    • Approximate scan completion bar, I know i have a  just over half full TB drive that takes ages to scan, And i don't want to wind up aborting it because i need to use the computer  when it is in reality a couple files away from finishing up




    • Can change tabs while scanning, This was a right pain in the arse if i wanted to adjust a setting or something while the computer was doing something
    • The "Scanning" animated graphic, Tells me if it's frozen up or something
    • Looks like an antiMalware program instead of... Dunno, cheat engine? It did it's job before, But it looks reasonably better now
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