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Posts posted by Kessel75

  1. Ugh, ran into my first spot of trouble. I'm unsure which version of MBAM to download. 


    If I go to this page: https://www.malwarebytes.org/products/


    I see MBAM Free and Premium. I'd guess it's the Premium version?  My license on the old version was for the "pro" version. 


    However, there are only links for download on the Free version. That brings to mind that there used to be a special method for paid users to download or upgrade. Something I don't exactly recall. 

  2. Bought it way back in 2012 from Newegg. From my invoice it seems I might have ordered a CD or DVD, since I got a shipping confirmation and tracking number as well as an invoice. Is that possible? If I had to guess, I'd have guessed that it was a download and that I would have received the key via email. A halfhearted search through my inventory of old CDs and DVDs didn't turn up a MBAM install disk.




    It's been running fine, but recently in conversation with a friend, I realized my version never updated.


    Here is a screenshot of my "About" tab in MBAM:




    Now my question is this.


    Clearly this isn't the most current version of MBAM, but it is still being updated. That's all good. I'm wondering if the "lifetime" refers to lifetime updates or if I am entitled to update to a newer version.


    If so, will my license key be preserved or will I have to somehow find it to input during the upgrade process?


    My apologies, I realize this comes across as clueless and that I got a great deal way back when, but still... :)

  3. I was reading something in the MyDigitalLife forums and they referred to a OEM query tool for Windows.


    I did a Google serch for that and once I clicked on the links in the search results, things went funny. First off, MBAM (I have the paid version) went nuts, blocking a site. Then I noticed that almost every link on the search results page was doing this.


    Here is a link to a screenshot of the search results page: http://i61.tinypic.com/2cxglyr.jpg  Only the first 2 links are not blocked by MBAM.


    Here is the result when blocked: http://i62.tinypic.com/4sbgp4.jpg  Note the gTLD of topsoftdeal.com that appears in every one of the links on the previous image.


    If I go to Google's cached copy, all the pages for the different links look similar to this: http://i57.tinypic.com/2nrk77q.jpg


    I ran MBAM scan and flash scan and the only thing that came up was a pup.optional "issue"

    D:\Cube_Save\Software\Downloads\Ultimate Boot CD\setup.exe (PUP.Optional.AirInstaller) -> No action taken.

    (of course, why these things are flagged is a pet peeve of mine, but let's not get into that now.)


    I suspect that what I'm seeing here is just a massive number of bad search results from Google? Nothing more, nothing less?

  4. Trying to run a network speed test from speedtest.net to their site in Dallas hosted on Softlayer Technologies to my computer, I get that the Chrome process is blocked from accessing the website.


    The speed test times out with a latency issue. I can test to similar sites in other locations.


    I hoe that's all the information you need. I'd appreciate an understanding of this, 


  5. I wanted to run a Speedtest  from Speedtest.net to a site near a server that I often use.


    I chose a speedtest site hosted by Softlayer Technologies  - a well-known Internet company and in fact an IBM subsidiary.


    MBAM reported the site as blocked.


    2014/01/04 08:41:02 -0600 IVY Mike IP-BLOCK (Type: outgoing, Port: 58989, Process: chrome.exe)


    What would lead to this type of issue?  I am usually very reluctant to bypass the block that MBAM puts  in place, but this one just does not seem to make much sense.


    Attaching the complete log for today.


  6. I could have sworn I replied to this post earlier.


    In general, what I posted then (and that apparently did not make it here). Was a bit more background that explained why I might not be able to provide the log.


    I wrote the script and have no problems with it. I distributed it to some fellow beta members to assist in obtaining older logs. One member installed the script in his Program Files folder (as opposed to on the desktop) That member reported the MBAM issue. I have asked him for copies of his log, but in general I'm not hopeful.

    Further I thanked you (and do so again) for your assistance and for giving me the information I looked for. Even if no further response form you, I have the information on what MBAM would do and that it may be an issue with the file location or something similar. I might move my file and see if MBAM kicks up something, but right now I need to divert time/attention to something else.


    Thank you again.

  7. Ah. That may explain it. I wrote a front-end .cmd file for an executable file of the same name. Could that explain it? I can in that case simply rename my filename and the problem will be resolved?


    I did consider posting in the location you lined to, but thought my question might *just* not qualify. :)

  8. Hello, I'm new here and I don't really know where would be appropriate to post this question.


    I wrote a batch wile in Windows 7. Now MBAM flags it as suspect.  I can understand (kind of) why it would do that, but if I look at this, I don't see how it would ever be possible for me to have it marked as "safe" and to distribute it to another person without it being flagged on their computer.


    Someone here must have come across this and have a solution?  I can't have a batch file digitally signed, and anyway, that is complex and may be costly for something that is of use only to about 25 other people also playing the same game as I do?


    There is no need to explain to me that a file name can not be made "safe" since anyone can alter the contents of the file  and make it malicious. I understand that. My question pertains to whether I can have a script file somehow easily and inexpensively "signed" to verify that it is safe.

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