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Endless Reboot Loop

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Got a very bad virus. The main virus was win32:vitro. It basically crawled throughout my computer and infected every .exe. This also installed something called System Defender that would pop up constantly to try to get me to scan using it's software.

Anyway, ran Malwarebytes in an attempt to get rid of System Defender. It found a lot of infections and I chose to let it clean everything up. It told me that it would clean up the remaining problems upon rebooting.

The result of all this was an endless reboot loop. I would get to the Windows XP screen with the bar loading along the bottom, but before getting to the login screen, the system would reboot.

I spent the next couple hours trying to do system repairs, boot fixes, using Ubuntu to try to get back at my main drive to change startup options, but nothing worked.

In the end, I had to reinstall Windows to get everything working again. Sorry, but I don't have any logs or anything due to the reinstall.

I imagine that Malwarebytes can reproduce this by infecting a machine with vitro and System Defender though.

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