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I am using Window 7, 64bit with IE11.  I am running Microsoft Security Essentials and my computer is current with updates.  Around 11-13-17, I clicked on something accidentally in the browser, while I was scrolling, that caused ad choices to appear in my browser.  I don't remember what I was doing or what site I was on at the time.  I clicked on the properties of ad choices and the Address/URL was info.yahoo.com/privacy/us/yahoo/relevantads.html.  I added the following entry to my host file to try and block the ad:  Here is the host entry:

# trying to block adchoices info.yahoo.com/privacy/us/yahoo/relevantads.html
# trying to block adchoices

But, now the site associated with Ad Choices just changed to something different. (go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?AdChoicesLinkID=286759&ocid=iehp)

Malwarebytes Free version does not find/remove Ad Choices.

AdwCleaner does not find/remove Ad Choices.

I have not tried resetting IE back to default. 

Before I try a lot of things that probably will not remove Ad Choices, I wanted to find out if anyone else is having the problem?



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