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MBAM appears to be causing a slow ping


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A couple of weeks ago I noticed my 4 month old computer had a sub-par ping. Example:

Ping to router = 4ms

Ping to = 4ms

All other pings and traceroutes show higher latency with this machine.

This is a Win 7 x64 desktop. I also have a Win 7 x64 laptop (wireless) and an older XP Pro desktop. Both of the other machines can ping both the router and in sub-1ms times as I might expect.

Machine runs super and most people would ignore this little issue but I could not. Over time I have ruled out just about everything through trial and error, until tonight. I tried booting into safe mode and voila, ping times to router and to were a normal sub-1ms. The most obvious difference I could see was that MBAM was not started in safe mode.

After getting back to normal Windows I disabled MBAM for a test and got normal pings. Then I turned MBAM back on and pings once again got longer. I went back and forth again with the same results.

The odd thing is that all three machines are running the same AV software, and the old XP Pro machine is also running MBAM Pro, yet only this newer machine has a laggy ping. And that lagginess seems to go away while MBAM is disabled.

What might be going on here?

Might a reinstall of MBAM be the cure?

A change in some settings?

Or does something need to be white-listed?

Oh, one more odd clue; With MBAM Pro running, if I ping to "" I get about 4ms average ping times, BUT, if I ping to "localhost" I get sub-1ms ping times. Shouldn't those results be the same either way?


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