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  1. I have been following this topic and would like to add what I found while reading this. I had the same problem and after reading this did some research and found that when I remove tdx from dependencies in the dhcp key then the internet works. I then saw that the tdx key was missing entirely from the registry so I copied it from another computer to the one I was having trouble with and now all the services you have been talking about are working. Computer Browser : Started, Automatic DHCP Client : started, Automatic DNS Client : started, Automatic Network Connections : Started, Manual Network Location Awareness : Started, Automatic Remote Procedure Call (RPC) : Started, Automatic Server : Started, Automatic TCP/IP Netbios helper : Started, Automatic WLAN AutoConfig (Vista wireless configurations only) : not applicable, no wireless card Workstation : Started, Automatic HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Dhcp went to dependonservice and removed tdx, after this dhcp started working but still know DNS Client Copied tdx registry value from another computer to the troubled one, put tdx back in dhcp, rebooted and now they all work HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\tdx I hope this helps, I was tackling this problem for a long time with a computer that had the windows recovery virus. Was finally able to run malwarebytes then ran microsoft security essentials and found several other viruses and think I have it cleaned up and working now. Thanks for getting me on the right track and noticing that the tdx registry key was missing.
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