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Posts posted by cougkyle

  1. My browser redirects to bogus websites (most of the time), and redirects to bogus websites when trying to go to anit-malware sites all of the time.

    Was able to get Avira AntiVir loaded, but doesn't detect the virus. Able to get a HijackThis log. McAfee won't launch, Malwarebytes won't launch, Spybot won't launch, etc.

    Reading up on the subject of recent browser redirection, there is a lot of people having trouble with the wdmaud file in their Windows/System32 directory. I tried to rename it and reboot, but it just came back. Tried to delete it, and it wouldn't let me. Then I loaded the Gibbon Gipo program, that forces the file to be deleted upon reboot. That works with every file except wdmaud! It keeps reappearing after reboot.

    This may or may not be the infected file...might be chasing a ghost here, but any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

    Is there any kind of back door that would force Malwarebytes to run?


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